Research Development - MedStar Health Research Institute

Our Office of Research Development, Planning & Communication develops and enhances MedStar's research infrastructure, and helps to increase the amount of research activity taking place at MedStar by

  • Fostering system-wide collaborations among investigators;

  • Identifying strategic funding opportunities;

  • Developing partnerships with external third-party organizations and;

  • Creating business plans to help enhance MedStar's diverse and robust research programs.

Our staff works with individual investigators to help achieve short- and long-term research objectives.在加入MedStar或表达sing interest in becoming involved in research, please contactResearch@medstar.netand let us know your research interest areas.We will then introduce you to your Scientific Center Administrator (SCA), a central point of contact for all administrative and operational research needs, who will provide you with an orientation to the Research Institute and how to get started using our services. Your SCA will play an important role in the proposal submission process and serves as a liaison to theInstitutional Review Board (IRB)and theOffice of Contracts and Grants Management.

Questions? Contact the Research Development, Planning & Communication staff by email

Collaborative events

In an effort to enhance the research knowledge and practices of MedStar investigators and associates, the Office of Research Development, Planning & Communications also supports several educational and collaborative events throughout the year, including bi-annualMedStar Investigators Orientationsessions, Research Grand Rounds, and the annualMedStar Research Symposium.
